A Day In The Life With WOVEN…

We all know books can change your life.

But they can also completely disrupt your life… unless you know how to function *while* reading them… especially one you can't put down…

My experience with WOVEN…
Mr. Woven and I spent a few hours practicing the piano together…
We also spent some time on the treadmill together…

I managed to write and read at the same time… 

My mad face when Mr. Woven beat me at Pictionary…

He even comforted me in the scary part of movies…

I've lost count with how many different positions I read in…

A day wouldn't be complete without watching the sunset together…

And big smiles all around with what a fantastic book WOVEN is!!!!!!

I'm so proud of David Powers King and Michael Jensen. I don't know Michael well (but I know he's wonderful!), and I consider David one of my most favorite friends. He's not only a talented writer, but he's one of the kindest, most genuine people I know. (He's also married to a gorgeous red head, which automatically gives him huge bonus points) :)

My review:

Woven is such a beautiful story!!! This book contains the kind of magic I’ve been missing in stories for a while. I love the uniqueness of the fantasy world… I was sucked in from the start and immersed completely with the plot and characters.  Pacing was great. Writing was beautiful. It’s the kind of story that is timeless---where it will easily hold its own in today’s crowded market and for years to come. Action, adventure, ghosts, magic, romance… I thoroughly enjoyed this!!!

Thanks, DPK for letting me be a part of your Woven tour, and I'm so excited to see more Woven success!!!!

Red. Head. Out. :) 


  1. SHUT YOUR MOUTH :) that was the cutest thing ever! Hahaha. Loved this and you :D

  2. Love this, Morgan. And I totally agree with you about the book. I read it to hubby and we both loved it.

  3. That was clever and fun, Morgan! David will really appreciate it.

  4. That was awesome, though I did have to fan myself at the reading positions. ;)

  5. Ha ha, it looks like Woven is a part of the family. I have my copy here, just mocking me until I can finish the ARC I have to read and review first :)

  6. Very awesome pitch, Morgan.....well done!! :) I've also heard the rumor just how good Woven was at Pictionary and, now, you've confirmed it!

  7. This is totally fun! I'll have to be sure to check this one out. ☺

  8. Those pictures say everything. I do love a book that keeps me so involved!

  9. Too adorable!!!
    The book looks great!

  10. My copy's coming. Can't wait! :D

    IWSG #143 until Alex culls the list again.

  11. Hahahahaha!!!!! These were awesome, totally made me laugh. Of course you can't miss the sunset with your favorite book! You are adorable, plain and simple. And congrats to David and Michael, this book looks fab. Can't wait to read it! :D

  12. This. Was. Awesome Morgan! Thank you everyone, and thank you Morgan for the review and the pictures. I'll most likely have a little skip in my step for the rest of the day. :)

  13. So I want to know... Who's taking all those pictures?

    1. Haha! Ken, my kids do. Poor little things. :)

  14. It's on my TBR list! Glad to hear it's good!

  15. It's so great to find a book that you become totally immersed in. Congrats to David & Michael! I wish I could manage to write and read at the same time--I'd be so much more productive! Haha.

  16. Got this link from David's site. Such an awesome way to do a review and promote your love for the book! My favorite was the scary movie photo. :-)

  17. Got this link from David's site. Such an awesome way to do a review and promote your love for the book! My favorite was the scary movie photo. :-)

  18. You are so funny! I love all the pics. I've heard about this book. I think I may have to read it :)

  19. Eeyup, been there... I know I'm hopelessly hooked on a book when I'm finding ways to read it when I'm supposed to be working. Has to be a really good story to override my work ethic. O_o

  20. I love all these pictures! Clearly you and Woven have been having a lot of fun together. :) I have been wanting to read it since I first heard of it. Your review is awesome and now I want to read it even more. Yeah!

  21. So much like what I do while reading Harry Potter. So this is interesting. A book you can hardly put down. Must. Grab. A. Copy.

  22. This is on my wish list and I do plan on reading it. It seems like such an amazing read. The description and reviews pull me in.

  23. You and Mr. Woven had quite a thing going on, LOL! I'm hearing such great things about this book. Your review is one.

  24. Now that was an awesome way to promote indeed. I can do the standing on my toes pose, but I can't stretch my legs that wide, ouch lol

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAryFIuRxmQ

    This is single-handedly the best book review I've ever seen. Bravo. We both love it. Also, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who reads in the screaming monkey pose.

    (It's technically just the monkey pose, but I'm screaming because I can't bend that way naturally)

  26. You know, that review made me want to read that book, Morgan. I love when a book takes me away, and I'm always sad when I'm reading and I just don't manage to make that connection with a book, so I think I'll go give this book a shot.

    Also, those were some pretty cute picks of you and that book, talk about best buddies.

  27. Hello Morgan!! Looks and sounds like a real page-turner. Careful about reading that on the treadmill :)

  28. It's interesting that you think of Woven as a man. I kind of thought of the book as having more feminine virtues.

  29. Oh. My. Gosh. This is an awesome post!! I especially loved the picture of you reading on the treadmill. HAHAHA. :)

  30. That has to be the most awesome blog hop review ever. Great pics! :)

  31. Like Mark Noce wrote: this has got to be one of the most original, fun reviews I've read in a long time. David is lucky to have you as a friend. I've been reading your twitter exchanges with E J Wesley about show versus tell with interest.

    I once wrote the same scene using both TELL and SHOW. If you're interested, here is the TELL version link:

    And here is the SHOW version link:

    Thanks for the smiles this post brought me.

  32. Wow, Morgan. You took WOVEN with you everywhere! :)

  33. Ok, I was fine until Pictionary. And now I'm still laughing. Clever picture montage, Morgan, very amusing.
